Operation Pink Squad (HK 1988)

Rating: ***
Director: Jeff Lau
Cast: Sandra Ng, Anne Bridgewater, Wu Fong, Billy Lau, Yuen Cheung Yan, Jeffrey Falcon

This is a fun cops 'n' gangsters action comedy featuring an unruly quartet of cute female cops (the Pink Squad?). After a series of botched missions, the girls get transferred to Wu Fong's department, and he and his men spend most of the movie trying to get them into trouble. The girls eventually get assigned to monitor a suspected jewel thief, and Sandra Ng immediately falls in love with him. This leads to a truly hilarious sequence in the suspect's apartment, which is quite a compliment considering my general loathing of Hong Kong comedy. The movie finally gets serious in the final reel as the jewel thieves are exposed, hearts are broken, and friendships are betrayed. For a comedy, it sure ends on a depressing note.

While most of the film is goofy and lighthearted, it does contain several moments of highly inspired over-the-top action, which allows beautiful Anne Bridgewater to really shine. Her fights with perennial bad guy Jeffrey Falcon and legendary Yuen Cheung Yan are wonderful, and her brawl in the playground is spectacular (spoiled only by the fact that she's wearing a silly disguise). But perhaps the real star of the film is Sandra Ng, who carries most of the dramatic and comedic elements in the film. Her performance is excellent, and even though a lot of the comedy is lame-brained and stupid, her acting brilliance and keen comedic timing seems to make it work. The film also offers a nod to "Inspectors Wear Skirts" (1988), when Billy Lau's Tiger Squad character shows up. Both Sandra and Anne recognize him, but it's not clear whether their characters are supposed to be from that film as well. Enjoyable girls 'n' guns fluff.