Princess Of Thieves (2001)

Rating: ***
Review Date: 9/12/04
Cast: Keira Knightley, Malcolm McDowell

A light and fluffy, made for TV tale about Robin Hood's daughter, Gwyn (delightful Keira Knightley). While Robin Hood is off fighting in the Crusades for King Richard the Lionheart, his daughter grows up to be a beautiful and spirited young woman. Her mother isn't around for some reason (presumably dead?) and she seems to have picked up her father's skill with a bow. When King Richard dies, a plot is hatched by the evil Prince John to kill Prince Philip, whom Richard named as his successor. Things don't go as planned, and Robin ends up in jail, while Philip escapes his fate by pretending he's not the prince. Gwyn does some pretending of her own, dressing as a man (unconvincingly) so that she can get in on the action. Of course, Gwyn and Philip hit it off swimmingly, and raise arms to free Robin and depose John.

Good quality family entertainment from Disney that's safe and by the book. The characters are fun and lively and the action scenes convey a sense of danger without being too scary or intense. Keira Knightley is lovely - passionate, spirited, and beautiful. She also has an adorably infectious smile, which nicely counters her intensely piercing gaze. Quite enjoyable.